## Installation You can use the LonaDB Java Client by adding it as a dependency in your Maven project. Follow these steps to include LonaDB in your project: 1. Add the GitHub Packages repository to your `pom.xml` file: ```xml github GitHub Packages https://maven.pkg.github.com/Lona-Development/Clients ``` 2. Add the LonaDB dependency to your `pom.xml` file: ```xml org.lona-development.java-client lonadb 2.1.3 ``` ## Usage To use the `LonaDB` Java Client, follow these steps: 1. Import the `LonaDB` class in your Java file: ```java import org.lona_development.java_client.lonadb; ``` 2. Create an instance of the `lonadb` class by providing the required connection details: ```java lonadb client = new lonadb(host, port, name, password); ``` Replace `host`, `port`, `name`, and `password` with the appropriate values for your LonaDB Server. 3. Use the provided methods to interact with the server: ```java // Example: Get a list of tables String tables = client.getTables("username"); // Display the list of tables System.out.println(tables); ``` ## Available Methods The following methods are available in the `LonaDB` Java Client: - `getTables(username)`: Retrieves a list of tables available in the database. - `getTableData(table)`: Retrieves data from a specified table. - `deleteTable(name)`: Deletes a table by its name. - `createTable(name)`: Creates a new table with the given name. - `set(table, name, value)`: Sets a variable within a table to the specified value. - `delete(table, name)`: Deletes a variable from a table. - `get(table, name)`: Retrieves the value of a variable from a table. - `getUsers()`: Retrieves a list of users in the database. - `createUser(name, password)`: Creates a new user with the given name and password. - `deleteUser(name)`: Deletes a user by their name. - `checkPassword(name, password)`: Checks if the provided password is correct for a given user. - `checkPermission(user, permission)`: Checks if a user has a specific permission. - `removePermission(user, permission)`: Removes a permission from a user. - `getPermissionsRaw(name)`: Retrieves the raw permission data for a user. - `addPermission(user, permission)`: Adds a permission to a user. - `createFunction(name, content)`: Create a function which can be executed whenever you want. Just like eval. Content = string of PHP Code. - `executeFunction(name)`: Executes the function. - `eval(function)`: Runs the function (must be a string of PHP Code). ## License This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (GNU AGPL-3.0).